Monday, July 01, 2013

June Gilmore Gazette: Gilmores celebrate God's provision, prepare for trip

Dear Friends & Family,

The last month has been a wild ride for our family and we are eager to celebrate with you some of the blessings God has been raining down.

Ericlee and the Construction team led by Tanner Munro returned from Haiti on June 7. In those 9 days, God brought together the five men from Fresno, our Haitian Director Peter Constantin and 9 Haitian young men for an awesome time of bonding and making some huge renovations on our Mission complex in Haiti. More than 50 jobs were completed, including:

o   Painting Inside and outside of the house
o   Installing screens on all the windows
o   Building new counters and cabinets in the Kitchen
o   Installing a new full-sized refrigerator with new outlets in the kitchen
o   Installing 4 new ceiling fans
o   Putting in new toilets and sink in bathroom
o   Building new wood pallets for the floors in the showers
o   Painting and building a new toilet for outhouse

More important than the tasks that were accomplished were the relationships built. By the end of the trip, this team became a tight band of brothers who promised to come back to Haiti every year. One team member, Jason Martinez, surrendered his life to Jesus Christ for the first time. Jason’s 14-year-old son inspired him to read the Bible during Lent and then God prompted him to move out of his comfort zone and go to Haiti. Ericlee and Jason are meeting regularly for discipleship and prayer.

The guys pause from their work to play soccer in the rain with the orphans.

The trip was also a huge boost of encouragement for Ericlee as he had other men come alongside him and invest in the ministry in Haiti. The team of five Americans plans to continue meeting once a month to sharpen, encourage and pray together.

This past week Dorina and the girls have been a part of the “Truth Trek” Vacation Bible School program at Trinity
Community Church in Fresno. The children creatively raised $12,000 for a new water system for the Kay Cadence orphanage recently-built in St. Raphael. One girl decided to sacrifice the money she had been saving from her birthday and Christmas for a scooter. Another boy raised $75 at his lemonade stand. Other kids helped their moms bake cookies, granola and jam or recycle bottles. What a huge blessing to see American kids raising money for new friends in Haiti!

Giada & Meilani get down with the kids at Trinity Community Church during worship time at VBS.

The last few weeks we have been finalizing travel plans for our three short-term mission teams, collecting supplies and gearing up for our summer in Haiti. We depart on July 4 (Thursday!) for a family reunion in Dallas and then fly out from there to Haiti on July 7. We ask for your prayers over our travel with our girls, time serving and welcoming teams this summer.

Meilani poses with her group leaders for "Truth Trek" VBS

We will close with a short story of God’s amazing provision. Last weekend we watched a movie called “Faith Like Potatoes” about a farmer-turned-missionary in South Africa. We hardly ever take time to watch movies but this one was a huge encouragement to us at just the right time. We have been praying for God’s provision for our finances. Like the farmer, we were reminded that there is power in prayer and though it may feel like a dry season God can make it rain anytime he wants. He is always working underground. On Monday, it rained in Fresno. A little sprinkle in the middle of June. So rare. A reminder to us that He was working. Monday night a group of Fresno friends and family gathered to pray for the ministry in Haiti and our family’s needs. And then Tuesday afternoon, we received word that God provided the $5,000 our family needed for our travels this summer. What a huge miracle and answer to prayer!

We continue to pray for more committed monthly supporters so we can be fully funded and pay back some of the debt we have accrued this year. Please join us in praying specifically over this. We are pressing in to see what God will do in Summer 2013! We are grateful for each one of you.

Saying Yes to God,
Ericlee, Dorina, Meilani, Giada and Zayla

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